Friday, August 27, 2010

The Story of Life

My life has a superb cast but I can't figure out the plot. ~Ashleigh Brilliant

I have a tendency to complete novels in one go because I can't stand the suspense. Sun (of the Sun, moon and star trilogy) likes to savour her books so she holds on to them for long, Star also loves her books a little slower than me. Moon? I? I don't take books till I know I have a 4-5 hour one slot commitment that I can give to it, to my liking.

But my own life! It's such a slap in my face! I have always written the story of my own life. I have it in control..or always have. But right now, circumstances are such that I have control over the small things, but the big ones..either I can't see or they are really out of my control.... I am working on the pieces and waiting for the bigger masterpiece (thats what I hope it will be) to work itself out. I am actually hoping for a miracle....which is NOT me! This is one story that is taking really long and its complicated, but at the end I hope its really worth the wait! Because for once I am holding on! And being very very very patient! God, I hope You are listening!!!

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