Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fairy Tales

There is a question I have often asked a lot of my friends and colleagues often: "Do you believe in Fairy tales?" Don't get me wrong: It's not about whether they believe in magic or something...that's what people have a choice to believe in and I don't argue or question that. My question actually means as to whether people believe in happy endings? Whether they believe that good things are up for them.

Knowing how tough the world can be and how tough it can make people, I have always expected the answer to be a cynical no......And people have managed to again wonderfully surprise me......YES they do! In all their varied ways of accepting such stuff....declining in the most unbelieving way, shrugging, to smiling and saying nothing but accepting it, to an outright unembarassed yes, to a squeal of "YES!"

People still believe in fairy tales! And no! Don't be cynical: My sample consists of both MALES and FEMALES...and all of us do believe in happy endings...whatever may be the trials we go through....ah! the strength of hope! That's why we fight the bad times.

And that's why Bollywood is such a money spinner! It's all our fairytales acted out for us! And there is always a happy ending! I HEART BOLLYWOOD!!! And I HEART FAIRYTALES!!!

For those who say they don't believe in fairytales, just a question: Why do they read them out to their children? Why give them false hope?

So let me quote a few of my favourite lines about hope:

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”

To the power of hope!


  1. Picture abhi baki hai, mere dost!! ;) :P

    Can I say here that (being the cynic that you know I am) I do believe in Fairy Tales (with the capital F and the capital T.) But, we are the ones who have to make that happen for ourselves. No one is actually going to bring them to you on a platter.

  2. @CD

    Very apt. :P

    No, I'm not convinced. Of course, some amount of hope is necessary for sanity. But cynicism functions as an armour, it protects you when you've been bruised too many times. Everyone can't afford to believe in fairy tales.

    (Okay, that was too Devdas-esque).
