Sunday, September 26, 2010

The List Freak!!!

Moment of epiphany: I am list freak!

Rewind: I am chatting with my friend, and he suggests I should watch a certain movie and I mention its on my to-see list....flash of realisation: I'm a list freak!!! On the good side, I love planning and must be good at it.....else how would I have such detailed lists buzzing around in my head!

So here's (ironically) a list of the lists I follow: some are mental, some are on paper....and I am trying to manage all of them:

- My Bucket List
- Daily list of things to do
- List of books to read
- List of movies to watch
- List of SOPs for the Placement Committee operations
- List of scenes I want to incorporate in my book
- List of places I want to see
- List of things to eat (okay yes I can get obsessed sometimes)

Well....... the last one which I just created: a list of lists I have.......

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