Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Do Parents Want??

They keep saying its becoming increasingly difficult for parents to understand their children. Umm.. I have a question for those who say this, "What is it that parents want?"

So today my mom threw a screaming tantrum on me again. You see she made some food for me which I did not like because she forgot that I can't stand ginger or chillies in my food and she put lots of both to give it some "taste". Please do not ask of the results to my poor tongue! Anyways since I refused to eat it as I couldn't after 3 4 bites, though I tried to eat to please her (Mistake no. 1), she screamed and screamed about why did I ask her about what she was going to cook since I wasn't going to eat what she had made and then one comment led to another and things got nasty as usual.

So here's my part of the story: I had not asked her to cook! I had just asked her if she was going to else I would have figured out my lunch as I usually do. I am pretty independent as far as food is concerned (Supposed Mistake no. 2: only not when convenient to mom)!

Ok so what is it that parents want? Our whole life, they train us to be independent, to figure out things for ourself, to be able to meet our needs ourselves etc. And when we finally do, they start becoming bitter that we don't ask them for anything, we don;t need them anymore, that we've become too independent and that this isn't how "good" children behave.

So here is my question to parents: What do you want?  Us depending on you or not? Us doing things for ourselves or not? Us thinking for ourselves or not? Do you trust your own upbringing or not?

Take a step back and see what beautiful people you've raised and be proud of it instead of trying to control again.

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