Saturday, April 10, 2010

Who am I?

Oh no no no! I am not having an identity crisis....just some random thoughts! So the other day my aunt was getting nostalgic (as all mothers do) coz my sis is getting married this year. The words she parted me with got me thinking about this...her words were "if she becomes a good wife, daughter-in-law and mother she will be successful"...or something to that effect.

WoW! That got me! I always was cognitively aware of the fact that the female population of my country is defined in terms of the success of her relationships and her identity is in the form of wife, mother, daughter et al........but this one hit close home!!!

So it got me thinking, forget the do I see myself? I guess thats more important here than what others identify me as.

I am this girl who at 15 was sure of what she wanted to do with her life and chose NOT to follow unwritten family norms of becoming a doctor, and took up Arts and Humanities as field of study.

I am a girl who finds joy in the simplest things in a good book, a dish well made (by me), getting wet in the rains, the sound of bangles, the smell of the earth after the first rain, a good cup of tea/coffee, the warmth of my blanket on a winter morning.....

I am someone who believes in being there for my friends, to help, whatever the cost......

For me handwritten letters are still more precious than cold e-mails....

I love giving surprise parties and surprise gifts to people I love...and my gifts always have a personal it a comment, a card...or just shoddily wrapped by me!

But the most important of all, I hold the paintbrushes to the canvas of my life..... I CHOOSE WHAT OR WHO DEFINES ME!!! NO compromises there!


  1. yeap...WAY TO GO...don't EVER compromise...n then...u'll TRULY be...'ME'!!!


  2. we'll always be that honey :) :) OURSELVES!! :) :)

  3. wait...'me' is the one conditioned by should truly be 'I'!!:D!!
