Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lessons of Life

I have always believed that some of life’s best lessons are taught when we don’t have a paper or pencil to note them down.

I don’t believe in proverbs (till I am using them for an essay). I am more of a play with the fire, get burnt and learn the lesson kind of a person. I only believe in those lessons that I have learnt through experience rather than through the words of someone great.
Some of the best lessons I have learnt are those taught to me by kids, my nieces, or other kids I have interacted with.

Take for example the lessons kids teach us about trusting our significant others. When we are playing with children and we throw them in the air, they are not afraid they will fall but they smile because they trust that we will catch them.

Another lesson is to always be a source of joy. Kids are always trying to make themselves happy, that’s as simple as that and hence we also become happy in their presence because of their simplicity. WE should really try getting joy out of simple things.

We all immediately take a liking to those kids who are jovial rather than the “cranky” ones. Human nature; people like those people who are happy rather than those who are always upset.

Be confident: Kids say the darnest things! They also try out the craziest things. My niece who is one year old, can hardly walk but now she tries to imitate all the gymnastic tricks her elder sister does. Wow! They are never afraid of public speaking because they are not afraid of being judged! We should try pushing ourselves to do such things!

So, observe kids, its fun to learn new lessons in a new way!

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