Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Best Things in Life are Simple:

We love complicating our lives, because the more complicated they are, the more important we feel.
Its true for all of us, even I do it that I don't feel left out...or different from others.

But I truly do believe that the best things in life are simple. Like life's best lesson is taught to us in a nursery rhyme when we are really young:

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is like a dream.

Another example is us buying the most complicated phones and cameras with sooooo many features and buttons and knobs, to capture "good pictures", whereas the best pictures are those in our minds of some of the best days when we did not have a camera around to capture the beauty of that moment.

The best teachers we have had are not those with a lot of knowledge but those who have been able to reach out and touch us by making what they know simple.....think about it!

I am not saying life is always simple: I do know how complicated life and things can be and I am not taking it trivially. But then we should always try our best to make it simple!! Because it is complicated enough without us trying our best to make it worse!


  1. A good simple start to great things...all the best!!


  2. Simplification!! my favorite solution to most problems :):)
    Nice start ma cherie :):) Keep up the good work!

  3. hey D...WELCOME to blogosphere!!:D!!!
    i love template tht u've used!;-)!
    and yes...'simplicity is the best virtue'!:D! wishing u ALL THE BEST for a roaring blog!:D!
