Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Have you ever heard of the property of glass where it is hard yet brittle in nature? We women who seem "too strong and upfront" to men are like that.... yes we don't expect you to pull open doors for us or pay for us or earn for us.... or be all "men" to us... we can take very good care of ourselves, thank you very much!

But that gives you NO RIGHT, absolutely NONE to trample upon our feelings just because you think we are "strong" enough to handle it. No! You do need to be sensitive to our feelings.... and try not to hurt them. Or lie to us and try and insult our intelligence. Or just insult our intelligence or our education even "in jest". Yes we are strong and we can take care of ourselves.....but that does NOT mean you do not even treat us like humans....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

22 Reasons Why I Love You: To CD on Her 22nd Birthday

1. Because you hate to love me and love to hate me..always going to be the first reason!!

2. Your smile.

3. How easily you fit into my arms when we hug.

4. You don't take no shit from anyone: learnt it from you.

5. Your "mojo".

6. For the word "paangu".

7. Your gujjuben hips and know!

8. How easy it is for me to talk to you.

9. The way the pitch of your voice gets squeakier and higher when you start getting angry....and the way you scream at me...for all the reasons possible under the sun!

10. The way you mix drinks (though I've never tasted anyone of them!!! :-P)

11. All the cocktail advice I get from you.

12. How you irritate me whenever you get a new number.

13. For your celestial goddesses blogs.

14. How much fun it is to watch movies with you.

15. The way you hop around when excited!

16. Your "sarcasm".

17. The memories of our morning breakfast and coffees at Xavier's.

18. Discussing books with you.

19. Discussing crazy weird stuff with you.

20. The way you keep rejecting my proposal: don't worry I haven't given up on'll say yes to me some day!

21. For all the weird comments you write on my gifts but pack them so neatly.....

22. How it is always the three of us. And how we are always there for each other no matter the time or the distance.

There are so many more reasons: damn it! But I had to restrict myself to 22! Let me write a similar blog on your 50th or maybe 100th birthday to be able to do better justice to it!!! :-)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

An Ode to Cocktails that Won't Hit

When I call out for you
Its anticipation
I imagine your feel, your taste, your smell and
What I will feel with when I have you,

But o dear cocktail
When I have you,
Its anti-climatic....
Because they say I am to feel this buzz...
But do I really???

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Year That Will Be

First of all: A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!!

So is this blog going to be about my new year resolutions?? There is a wonderful saying that I just love: it goes: May your troubles last as long as your new year resolutions! So true! And yeah I don't believe in the concept of new year this post is not about them!

Horro(r)cope predictions: An apology to all those who believe in them...I don't! I mean how can anyone be so bought by the so called belief that remote celestial bodies can affect what your turns out to be like....

Anyways....this blog is what I see happening for me in the new year in a more concrete sense:

Firstly, time to finally give a rest to all the studying and move to the real world with responsibilities and a job. Yes! I am (finally) going to be a post graduate and move out from student life to a corporate life! Hopefully will do great there.....the beginnings are definitely great and now hopefully will just move ahead!

Secondly,time to say goodbye to my beautiful house and all the amazing memories in it: be it either because of job locations or simply because our building going for redevelopment (NO I AM NOT GETTING MARRIED) ...its time to say goodbye to my most favourite place on this earth..I will miss it...

Sanaya: I am going to meet her somehow this year! And when I decide upon something I just do it!

Vidhu: you may move out again...for finding newer feathers for your hat.....I will always be there for you to support you and love you and be your harbour whenever you need one.....

My brother's admissions to a new college and him probably having to move out too this year.

Travelling and shopping for books..... since I will be earning my own money...these are the two things I intend to do fully!

So to hopefully a great year ahead!