Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Farmer and the Poet

A Farmer was tilling his land on a bright sunny day, dreaming of the sweetness of his fruits of labour, when a Poet passed by the road along his land.

Proud of his labour's work, the farmer called out to the Poet, "Oh kind sir! Have a look at my labour's fruit. I till the land to feed the stomachs of my fellow-men and nourish their bodies. Of what greater good is your idle poetry?"

Smiling at that question oft asked by all, the Poet replied, "I till words to nourish your soul. For when your soul trembles like a a candle when touched by another soul, I give you the words that your heart wants to sing, but your tongue can't."


  1. Deep!! Definitely the pyschologist brain at work.. :-)

    luv the way it has been worded....more than anythin else...i mean the way you have looked at it from both the sides & conveyed their feelings in jus a few lines...amazin work...

  2. Thanks...and its not the psychologist brain, but the literature heart at work.

  3. ah....if u say so!!! luv it no matter wat!!
