Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Implicit Gender Divide

So we say we are progressive society intending to give equality in every sense to women. And I believe we are reaching there. My only contention is that we need to give certain messages we pass implicitly a hard look:

Point 1 in argument: Textbooks!

This comes from an ad about equality of women which I absolutely loved. We are giving subliminal messages to our children about gender roles from a very young age through their textbooks which read:

* Ram school jaa. (Ram go to school)
* Sita ghar ka kaam kar. (Sita help with the work at home.)

Point 2 in argument: Advertisements

Ever seen the Veet ad by Katrina? She is able to can a perfect dance shot only after revealing her skin and showing off smooth legs and arms! Or the Tanishq ad where a seemingly sensible girl not ready for marriage decides to get married because of seeing Tanishq wedding jewellery...and the icing on the cake is when the mother messages to the father that even after 25 years of marriage you don't understand women (Wow!)

Point 3 in argument: Mixed Messages

I think this is what all girls I know must have heard from their parents: "Beta you have all the freedom you want." but "be back home by 9."

"Beta, study, have a career, fulfill all your dreams......." BUT "Help around with the house work. Learn how to do it."

I am not a feminist.....far from it. I respect the rights of both men and women. But honestly, in this age of "equality" how many guys hear or experience what I have mentioned above?

Is it fair?


  1. great u said we are still evolving from that mindset...will take some time..however I believe that this is how our society has evolved over many years and a flavor of it will always be there..I personally also prefer that..ntg for men or against women in this!

  2. Nicely put Disha, something all of us face im sure... but yes, change is taking place and we need 2b patient about it since centuries of conditioning cant change in 1 generation! we can jus hope 2 b d agents of that CHANGE!!!

  3. Well, the way I see these implicit messages, they are the barriers to Meenakshi ma'am keeps correcting Himani....its these things that bringing the change.
